Industry leaders say legalization of pot critical to stop black-market sales

Industry leaders say legalizing pot critical to stop black-market sales

In a recent article, “Industry leaders say legalizing pot critical to stop black-market sales,” published in News10, Giuliana Bruno reported the conflict of opinion between Governor Cuomo and Assemblyman Karl Brabenec regarding the legalization the recreational use of marijuana in New York. She also demonstrated the view of Dennis O’Neill, President of BIOMEDICAN, regarding legalization, quality, efficacy, and taxation.

The legalization of marijuana in New York is now the talk of the town. Governor Cuomo and his administration have planned to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in New York. Cuomo predicts that legalization will lead to nearly 60,000 new jobs and $3.5 billion in economic activity. While several states have already legalized marijuana, New York should also legalize the recreational use of marijuana and ultimately stop fueling the black market.

Marijuana still has a long way to get legalized due to strong opposition. In the opinion of Assemblyman Karl Brabenec, legalization will have several financial upsides for the state and a negative message to the younger generation. According to him, it will be hard to test individuals for impairment while driving scientifically. He wrote, “Why has the state-led an assault on tobacco just to pivot and support smoking marijuana.” Because the benefits of legalization outweigh the risk, New York will also legalize the recreational use of marijuana sooner or later.

Giuliana highlighted Dennis O’Neill’s perspective about the incredibly increased demand for marijuana in other states where it is legal to use marijuana for recreational purposes. The chance to control the quality, efficacy and use of marijuana is expected to increase with legalization. Besides, taxation of marijuana will generate enormous tax revenue as well. According to Giuliana Brun, it will take years to implement a surcharge on the marijuana industry after legalization.

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Saba IqbalAuthor posts

Dr. Saba Iqbal is a contributing writer for BioMedican. She's a clinical pharmacist turned writer. Dr. Saba's education includes a doctoral degree in pharmacy (Pharm D) from the University of Sargodha, Pakistan. In search of a career that would take advantage of her medical and pharmaceutical skills, Dr. Saba found medical writing – a career path a few medical students consider. In her journey "from a medical bench to pen," she has worked with several startups for many years managing content on biotech products, pharmaceuticals, drugs, devices, and techniques. While keeping up with the latest trends in medical writing, she aims to use her writing skills to clearly communicate complex scientific, medical, and health information to the potential investor and general audience.

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